skian-winterfyre on DeviantArt

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skian-winterfyre's avatar

Treasure Hunter



Markers Visuals II requires us to do simplified lineart and simple 3-tone shading :)

For this assignment, we're given several objects to work with, and we're required to arrange them together and make a good composition out of them. In this case, it's about the dagger, maps, exploration, and possibly treasure quests (first thing that comes to my mind when I saw the items was Indiana Jones :D)

...and putting them together, I want to show the confidence of the treasure hunter - X, marks the spot! And that's how the beautiful dagger got embedded firmly there!

Photoshop CS4, Wacom Intuos 3
2010 Work © skian-winterfyre
Image size
596x842px 337.98 KB
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crayonmaniac's avatar
featured in my latest journal because this is so great :hug: